A collective noun for voters would be an assemblage, a diverse and dynamic group of individuals who play a significant role in democratic processes. This assemblage of voters embodies the essence of a united democratic movement, exhibiting the power of voices joining together to shape the course of a nation or community. From swaying elections to determining public policy, this collective noun represents the amalgamation of people with shared rights, responsibilities, and aspirations—bringing a diverse range of perspectives, beliefs, and priorities to the political landscape. Whether starkly divided or harmoniously aligned, these voters' collective power remains crucial in defining the path forward for a vibrant and inclusive democratic society.
Party of Voters
A Party of Voters refers to a group or gathering of various individuals who have come together for a common purpose of engaging in the political process. This collective noun phrase represents a unified body of citizens driven by a shared interest or ideo...
Example sentence: The party of voters enthusiastically attended the candidate's rally to show their support and discuss their opinions
Comments of Voters
The collective noun phrase Comments of Voters refers to the remarks, opinions, and feedback provided by a group of people who have participated in a voting process. When individuals cast their votes, it is often followed by an opportunity to provide comme...
Example sentence: The comments of voters provided valuable insights into the public's concerns leading up to the election