A collective noun for walrus is a herd. Walrus, primarily found in the frigid Arctic waters, are known for their massive size, prominent tusks, and distinctive long whiskers. When a substantial group of these marine mammals gathers together, it forms a herd. The term "herd" not only serves as a representation of their cooperative behavior, but also illustrates the social dynamics and organized nature of these animals. Within a herd, individual walrus bond with each other, communicate vocally, and form hierarchical structures. These fascinating creatures showcase their collective spirit when they haul out onto ice floes or gather in a preferred area to rest, sunbathe, socialize, and participate in activities like birthing or moulting. A walrus herd typically consists of individuals of varying ages and sizes, spanning from young calves and juveniles to adult males and females, creating a tight-knit and tightly regulated community. In their vast and harsh environment, walrus herds provide a sense of safety, support, and companionship, reflecting the remarkable adaptability and resilience of these remarkable creatures.
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