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Buzzing Brigade: Exploring the Victorian Whirl of Flies

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A Whirl of Flies is a striking collective noun phrase used to depict a gathering or swarm of these pesky insects. The term whirl perfectly encapsulates the rapid, chaotic movement characteristic of flies as they buzz around, creating a whirlwind effect with their incessant fluttering. The word also carries a connotation of intense activity or commotion, akin to a whirlpool or vortex. Combined with the word flies, it paints a vivid image of a cluster of these winged creatures in motion, darting and twisting in a whirlwind-like pattern. In using this collective noun phrase, one can vividly imagine the overwhelming presence of numerous flies, their constant buzzing and the frenzy they create, emphasizing their annoying and bothersome qualities.

Example sentences using Whirl of Flies

1) As the garbage can tipped over, a whirl of flies swarmed around the decaying food.

2) She tried to enjoy her picnic, but the constant buzzing of the whirl of flies made it nearly impossible to eat in peace.

3) The farmer reached for his hat and waved it vigorously, trying to disperse the whirl of flies that was hovering over his livestock.

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