A Host of Angels is an ethereal and heavenly collective noun phrase used to describe a group or assembly of celestial beings known as angels. It conjures up a magnificent image of a multitude of radiant and celestial beings coming together, creating an awe-inspiring sight. This collective noun phrase embodies the idea of the angelic realm, which is often associated with divinity, purity, holiness, and divine protection. The term host in this context refers to a large number or multitude, highlighting the immense multitude of angels that form this collective. These celestial beings are believed to possess immaculate beauty, ethereal wings, and a benevolent nature. They are considered messengers of God, archetypal embodiments of goodness and divine intervention. When imagined as a host, angels gather together in a unified and harmonious manner, symbolizing their collective responsibilities. This imagery often evokes a sense of awe and wonder, depicting a celestial army united for a divine purpose. This collective noun phrase signifies a sense of power, strength, and protection that one may feel in the presence of these celestial creatures. In popular religious depictions, a host of angels is often associated with images of divine celebrations, rituals, or significant spiritual events. It can also be connected with biblical accounts of angelic encounters, such as the Annunciation or heavenly choirs praising God. This collective noun phrase captures the wondrous and mystical nature of angels while evoking a sense of reverence and sublimity. In summary, the phrase a host of angels describes a magnificent assembly of celestial beings, emphasizing their enormous numbers and conveying a sense of divine grandeur. It evokes feelings of awe, spirituality, and protection, as these celestial messengers come together to fulfill their celestial duties.
Example sentences using Host of Angels
1) A host of angels descended upon the ceremony, their luminescent wings aglow.
2) The ethereal harmony created by this host of angels filled the air, leaving everyone in awe.
3) Standing shoulder to shoulder, the host of angels imparted a sense of serenity and divine presence.