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Cohorts Unite: A Closer Look at Collective Noun Success with Cohort Examples

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A cohort is a collective noun that refers to a specific group or collective involving individuals who share a common characteristic or purpose. This noun is versatile and can be used in various contexts depending on the specific group being referred to. Here are some examples of how the word "cohort" can be used as a collective noun in different situations:

1. Student Cohort: In an educational setting, a student cohort refers to a group of students who began their academic journey together, typically pursuing the same degree or program. For example, "The medical school recruited a new cohort of students for its highly competitive program."

2. Military Cohort: Within the military, a cohort represents a unit or group of soldiers who trained together and accomplish specific tasks collectively. For instance, "The infantry's fifth cohort demonstrated exceptional bravery during the mission."

3. Cultural Cohort: A cultural cohort symbolizes a collective group of people who share similar values, beliefs, or interests within a broader society. For instance, "The artistic cohort gathers weekly to exchange ideas and inspire each other's creativity."

4. Market Research Cohort: In marketing research, a cohort may represent a specific group of consumers belonging to the same demographic, geographic location, or customer behavior. For example, "The marketing team focuses on understanding the needs and preferences of their target cohort through exhaustive market research."

5. Science Cohort: In scientific studies, research cohorts are groups of subjects sharing similar characteristics who participate in an experiment or study. For instance, "The long-term research project requires finding genetically similar individuals to form a cohort for the study."

Overall, the term "cohort" as a collective noun demonstrates the coming together of individuals who share a specific purpose, whether it's within the fields of education, military, culture, marketing, or science. These examples highlight the versatility and application of the word, showcasing how a cohort represents the unity and collaboration of a distinct group.

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