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Buzzing with Examples: The Hive of Collective Nouns

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A "hive" is a collective noun for a group of bees or wasps living together in a structured and harmonious society. Similar to a bustling city, these diligent insects work collaboratively inside a richly organized hive. The word "hive" can also be used metaphorically to describe other groups of living organisms or individuals joined together for a common purpose. For instance, a "hive" of humans or a "hive" of activity can be used to convey a sense of unity, organization, and busy productivity. Examples of collective noun usages incorporating "hive" include: a hive of bees, a hive of wasps, a hive of activity, a hive of industry, a hive of business, a hive of creativity, a hive of students, and so on. In all these instances, the term "hive" aptly summarizes the cooperative nature and harmonious workings of the group.

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