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Holiness Personified: Divine Collective Noun Examples we Revere

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The concept of collective nouns allows us to collectively refer to a group of beings, objects, or things. In this context, the word holiness adds a spiritual and sacred touch to these collectives. Here are a few examples of collective nouns incorporating the word "holiness":

1. A halo of holiness: When a group of saints or angelic beings is depicted together, we may speak of them as a halo of holiness. These celestial figures create an aura of divinity and serve as symbols of purity and righteousness.

2. A congregation of holiness: In religious settings, a congregation gathers to worship and perform religious rituals. Being a congregation implies coming together under the banner of holiness, seeking spiritual guidance and practicing devotion. Therefore, this collective noun represents the assembly of individuals striving for spiritual growth.

3. A chant of holiness: Particularly in rituals or ceremonies, a repetitive and harmonized vocal musicality is often used to create an atmosphere of sacral significance. Thus, when a group participates in such ora or singing, we can use the phrase, "a chant of holiness," signifying a collective endeavor to evoke deep spiritual connections.

4. A sanctity of holiness: When referring to a meticulous group that consistently observes religious protocol, adherence to sacred texts, and upholds moral and ethical values, the term "a sanctity of holiness" is fitting. This collective noun emphasizes the group's commitment to keeping holiness intact in their actions, thoughts, and deeds.

5. A pilgrimage of holiness: People of specific spiritual or religious beliefs embark on spiritual journeys, often seeking purification and a stronger connection to the divine. When speaking about a group traveling for such purposes, we can utilize the collective noun "a pilgrimage of holiness." It encapsulates their shared pursuit of sacredness and their descent into higher levels of spirituality.

These examples highlight how the incorporation of "holiness" in collective nouns maintains a connection to the sacred and the divine, emphasizing the communal pursuit of virtue, enlightenment, and devotion.

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