The collective noun phrase Infirmity of Monks refers to a group or gathering of monks who are beset by various physical illnesses or weaknesses. The word infirmity suggests a state of frailty or debilitation, portraying these monks as afflicted by bodily ailments or conditions that may impede their physical abilities. This noun phrase encapsulates the shared category of monks facing health-related challenges or limitations within a certain context. It conjures a vivid image of a community of religious individuals who, despite their infirmities, strive to uphold their spiritual practices and obligations within the confines of their physical constraints.
Example sentences using Infirmity of Monks
1) The Infirmity of Monks gathered in the courtyard for their daily prayer and meditation.
2) Within the Infirmity of Monks, some were young novices, while others were seasoned elders.
3) Despite their various ailments and infirmities, the unity and devotion displayed by the Infirmity of Monks was truly inspiring.