Intrusion is a word that generally refers to the act of trespassing or unauthorized entry into a space. However, when utilized as part of a collective noun, it amplifies the notion of intrusion by pointing toward a group or collection of objects, organisms, or phenomena that invade or encroach upon a particular area or setting. This concept showcases the inherent power and strength behind the unified actions of these entities, inevitably leaving a lasting impact on their surroundings. Collective noun examples related to intrusion capture the essence of these bold events or organisms joining forces to disrupt equilibrium or establish themselves. Within the realm of biology, a swarm of locusts can be seen embodying the notion of an intrusive collective noun with their voracious appetite and capacity to swarm and destroy crops. Imagining a flock of seagulls relentlessly encroaching upon a picnic blanket to claim a tasty treat further illustrates this collective example. In ecological terms, an infestation suggests an intrusive assemblage of insects or pests breaching an environment, seeking to establish their presence and possibly causing devastation. Similarly, on a more human level, an invasion or incursion refers to a forceful, invasive action determined to seize control over a territory. Whatever the context, collective nouns with the theme of intrusion convey the powerful impact made by groups as they forcefully insert themselves and their impact into a particular domain, shaping the course of events in a separate and often overpowering manner.
The Intrusion of Cockroaches refers to a peculiar and unwanted phenomenon where a large number of cockroaches invade a particular space or area. Cockroaches are hardy creatures that thrive in various environments, and when they gather in substantial numbe...
Example sentence: The intrusion of cockroaches in the kitchen startled everyone
The intrusion of ants is a fascinating phenomenon that occurs when a large group of these tiny insects collectively invades a particular area or space. The sheer numbers and coordinated motion of their presence make it seem as if the ants are taking over ...
Example sentence: The intrusion of ants disrupted the peaceful picnic in the park, causing guests to hastily gather their belongings
The intrusion of termites refers to a group or swarm of these meticulous insects encroaching upon a specific area or structure. Termites, known for their incredible ability to cause significant damage to wooden structures, colonies, and even agricultural ...
Example sentence: The intrusion of termites is causing extensive damage to our home's wooden structure
The group noun phrase Intrusion of Rats refers to a disturbing and disruptive event characterized by a significant and sudden influx of rats into a specific area or space. Intrusion denotes an unwelcome entry or invasion, implying that the presence of rat...
Example sentence: The intrusion of rats in our warehouse has created havoc and chaos among the stored supplies
The intrusion of mice refers to a peculiar, sometimes worrisome, gathering of mice that enter a particular space or area in an obvious and inconvenient manner. This collective noun phrase beautifully captures the act of mice invading, trespassing, or encr...
Example sentence: The intrusion of mice in my kitchen was a constant nuisance
The collective noun phrase Intrusion of Hackers refers to a situation or occurrence where a group of hackers forcefully breaches or gains unauthorized access into a computer system, network, or digital infrastructure. The term intrusion implies an intenti...
Example sentence: The intrusion of hackers into governmental systems has raised concerns about national security
Intrusion of Privacy is a collective noun phrase that refers to the act or instance of violating an individual's right to solitude and personal freedom. It encompasses any behavior or action that breaches the boundaries of personal privacy, leading to an ...
Example sentence: The intrusion of privacy by reporters has become a concerning issue in today's world of journalism
The collective noun phrase Intrusion of Tourists embodies a group of tourists that penetrates or forcefully enters a specific location or area. This dynamic collective encompasses individuals embarking on journeys for leisure, adventure, or personal explo...
Example sentence: The intrusion of tourists was evident as they flooded the narrow streets of the historic city
The collective noun phrase Intrusion of Solicitors is used to describe a situation or event in which multiple solicitors appear unexpectedly or persistently. It refers to a group of individuals who engage in the act of soliciting, often with the aim of pr...
Example sentence: The intrusion of solicitors by door-to-door salespeople has become increasingly frustrating for residents in our neighborhood
The collective noun phrase Intrusion of Paparazzi refers to a group of invasive and relentless photographers who relentlessly pursue celebrities and public figures to engulf them with unwanted attention, capturing their private moments without permission....
Example sentence: The intrusion of paparazzi caused havoc at the movie premiere, as they swarmed around the celebrities, blinding them with camera flashes
The collective noun phrase Intrusion of Thoughts is an evocative term that captures the concept of an overpowering rush or flood of thoughts that invades the mind. It denotes a situation where numerous and often intrusive thoughts bombard a person's consc...
Example sentence: During the meditation session, the intrusion of thoughts prevented me from achieving a state of calm
Intrusion of Reporters is a collective noun phrase that describes a group of journalists or news reporters who forcefully and abruptly encroach upon a space, event, or circumstances to gather news or information. This phrase signifies the occasionally dis...
Example sentence: The intrusion of reporters at the crime scene hindered the smooth investigation process
The intrusion of cameras refers to a gathering or accumulation of cameras that have invaded a particular space or event. This collective noun phrase conveys the sense that these devices have entered a given environment in unison, giving rise to a visual s...
Example sentence: The intrusion of cameras during the private ceremony made everyone uncomfortable
The collective noun phrase Intrusion of Microphones denotes a situation or occurrence where an excessive or unexpected number of microphones intrude upon a particular setting or event. This phrase emphasizes the sudden or excessive imposition of microphon...
Example sentence: During the press conference, the intrusion of microphones made it difficult for the speaker to be heard clearly
The collective noun phrase Intrusion of Journalists refers to a situation or occurrence where a group of reporters or journalists excessively meddles or invades people's privacy in pursuit of a news story or piece of information. These professionals can d...
Example sentence: The intrusion of journalists at the crime scene hindered the investigation process
The collective noun phrase Intrusion of Media is used to describe a situation where the influence and presence of media become excessive or invasive. From an era of traditional newspapers and televised news to the expansive realms of the internet and soci...
Example sentence: The intrusion of media in our daily lives is undeniable, with constant exposure to digital screens and social platforms
Intrusion of Crowds is a vivid collective noun phrase that encapsulates the overwhelming presence and undeniable impact created by a large gathering of people. It conjures up an image of countless individuals converging in a single location, like a bustli...
Example sentence: The intrusion of crowds at the concert made it difficult to find a good spot to stand
An Intrusion of Fans is a captivating collective noun phrase which refers to a bustling and exuberant gathering of individuals who share a passionate interest or admiration for a particular person, group, or creative work. Whether it be music, sports, mov...
Example sentence: During concerts, the intrusion of fans can sometimes disrupt the performers on stage
Intrusion of Curious Onlookers
The collective noun phrase Intrusion of Curious Onlookers refers to a group of people who exhibit a compelling curiosity and tendency to intrude upon a scene or event, often overwhelmingly so. This unique collective noun suggests both the behavior and cha...
Example sentence: The intrusion of curious onlookers at the crime scene made it difficult for the investigators to gather evidence
The intrusion of spectators refers to the collective presence or occurrence of a group of onlookers or observers in a setting where their presence may be considered disruptive or unwelcome. This noun phrase describes a situation or event where spectators ...
Example sentence: During the performance, an intrusion of spectators disturbed the actors on stage
An Intrusion of Observers is a collective noun phrase that refers to a group of individuals who systematically intrude upon a space or event, solely with the purpose of observing and gathering information. This phrase highlights the intrusive nature of th...
Example sentence: During the show, there was an intrusive intrusion of observers who crowded around the backstage area
An Intrusion of Voyeurs can be aptly described as a peculiar and intriguing collective noun phrase that accurately captures the essence of a captivating and unexpected gathering. Introducing a touch of mystery, this phrase combines the notion of intruding...
Example sentence: During the performance, there was an intrusion of voyeurs around the stage, eagerly capturing every move of the dancers with their cameras
The collective noun phrase Intrusion of Intruders refers to a group or gathering of individuals who forcefully enter or trespass into a place or territory without permission or authorization. The phrase perfectly encapsulates the act of intrusion as it im...
Example sentence: The intrusion of intruders startled the residents of the quiet neighborhood
The Intrusion of Gawkers is a captivating collective noun phrase used to describe a group of individuals who rudely invade and intrude upon a personal space or private event solely out of curiosity or nosiness. These gawkers exhibit an insatiable desire t...
Example sentence: The intrusion of gawkers was evident as they crowded around the accident scene, trying to catch a glimpse of the wreckage
An intrusion of bystanders is an extraordinary sight akin to a sudden influx of uninvited spectators, witnesses, or onlookers. It describes the curious phenomenon of a group of people unwittingly or unexpectedly thrust into a situation where they become p...
Example sentence: During the altercation, the posse of security guards ensured the intrusion of bystanders was kept to a minimum
Intrusion of Witnesses is a distinct collective noun phrase that portrays a situation marked by a sudden entrance or interruption caused by a group of individuals known as witnesses. This term brings together the notion of simultaneously infiltrating and ...
Example sentence: During the trial, the judge had to strictly control the intrusion of witnesses into the proceedings
An intrusion of interlopers exquisitely captures the essence of a highly unwelcome and meddlesome group. This evocative collective noun phrase refers specifically to a gathering or collective presence of individuals who intrude upon a defined space, situa...
Example sentence: The intrusion of interlopers disrupted the fragile balance of the community, as strangers came in uninvited and caused chaos
The collective noun phrase Intrusion of Snoopers is used to represent a gathering or group of individuals who have a tendency to invade the privacy of others. The word intrusion suggests an act of trespassing or encroachment, implying that these snoopers ...
Example sentence: The Intrusion of Snoopers was unexpected as a group of curious onlookers wandered into the private property
An Intrusion of Eavesdroppers is a captivating collective noun phrase used to define a group of individuals who surreptitiously listen to conversations or attempt to gather private or classified information unnoticed. This unique phrase beautifully captur...
Example sentence: The intrusion of eavesdroppers at the café disrupted our private conversation
Intrusion of Peeping Toms is a peculiar and unsettling collective noun phrase used to describe a group of individuals who engage in unwelcome and voyeuristic behavior known as peeping tomism. This expressive term portrays a situation where various individ...
Example sentence: The street was perfectly safe until the intrusion of peeping toms, who would often lurk behind windows and spy on their unsuspecting neighbors
Intrusion of Trespassers refers to a grouping or collection of individuals who unlawfully enter or intrude upon a specified or restricted area without authorization. This distinctive and evocative collective noun stems from the concept of trespassing, whi...
Example sentence: Intrusion of Trespassers was imminent as the unruly crowd marched towards the private property
The collective noun phrase Intrusion of Gatecrashers represents a disruptive and unexpected gathering or influx of uninvited individuals. It implies a breach of social norms or boundaries, where these gatecrashers forcefully and unlawfully enter an event,...
Example sentence: The Intrusion of Gatecrashers at the party was unexpected and chaotic
The Intrusion of Nosy Neighbors is a unique collective noun phrase that refers to a group of people who consistently invasive and overly curious about the personal affairs of others. Much like a flock of birds or a pod of dolphins, these individuals gathe...
Example sentence: The intrusion of nosy neighbors is becoming unbearable as they constantly peek through our curtains and gossip about our lives
The Intrusion of Prying Eyes refers to a collective group of individuals who intrude upon or invade someone's personal space or privacy, generally in a forceful, uninvited, or overly inquisitive manner. This noun phrase encapsulates the act of these indiv...
Example sentence: The Intrusion of Prying Eyes into their personal lives made the couple feel uneasy and violated
An Intrusion of Nosy Parkers is a whimsical and cheeky collective noun phrase that refers to a group of people who have an insatiable curiosity and tendency to pry into the affairs or personal lives of others. Derived from the term parking nose, a slang t...
Example sentence: The intrusion of nosy parkers at the office party was unbearable, as they pried into everyone's personal lives
An Intrusion of Prying People refers to a peculiar and somewhat frustrating gathering of individuals whose unwelcome attention is consistently directed towards others' personal matters. This collective noun phrase encapsulates a group of nosy, inquisitive...
Example sentence: The scene was chaotic with the intrusion of prying people, all eagerly trying to catch a glimpse of the celebrity
Intrusion of Unwelcome Visitors
The collective noun phrase Intrusion of Unwelcome Visitors is used to describe a situation where a group of people or entities enters a space or situation without invitation or consent, causing disturbance, disruption, or distress. Whether it is individua...
Example sentence: The intrusion of unwelcome visitors at our family picnic made it difficult to enjoy our time together