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Unveiling the Leash of Collective Nouns: Examples that Show the Power of Unity

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A leash is a wonderful example of a collective noun as it refers to a group of animals that are tied together or controlled by a single length of sturdy material. In this context, a variety of conventions may influence the use of the word, such as conventionally connecting multiple animals or objects while onto a single line.

For example, a leash can be commonly observed when it entails a set of dogs being walked together, resulting in a group often referred to as a "leash of dogs." This portrays the idea that several individual dogs are under control and guided by their owners using the same leash. A leash, therefore, aids in maintaining order and discouraging unruly behavior when it comes to multiple animals.

Additionally, while typically used in relation to animals, a leash can also be applied to various other animals or even objects. For instance, multiple toddlers held together by leashes to ensure their safety and maintain supervision are referred to as a "leash of toddlers." Similarly, in hunting, a group of hawks tethered with a common leather cord or chain for training purposes can be known as a "leash of hawks."

Overall, the collective noun "leash" not only provides a dedicated means of control and containment for owners walking their dogs or training hawks but also communicates the idea of unity, order, and discipline within a group of animals or objects. Within the realm of animal care, using this collective noun furthers the connection between humans and their companion animals, reminding us of our responsibility in maintaining control and ensuring the welfare of our beloved pets.

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