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Nunning up: A whimsical adventure through the captivating world of collective nouns for nuns

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Collective nouns for nuns refer to terms that describe groups or collections of nuns when they come together. Here are a few examples of poetic phrases that could be used to represent this scenario:

1. Devotion: A devotion of nuns.
This expression distinctly highlights the strong commitment and dedication displayed by nuns, merging their spiritual values within a collective bond.

2. Serenity: A serenity of nuns.
Emphasizing the tranquil and peaceful nature associated with convent life, this phrase denotes a mutually harmonious existence within the group.

3. Faith: A faith of nuns.
Highlighting their shared religious beliefs and practices, this phrase encapsulates the strong ties and reliance on their shared faith that unite these nuns.

4. Wisdom: A wisdom of nuns.
Symbolizing the accumulation of knowledge, experience, and sagacity amongst the group of nuns, this term suggests a collective wealth of wisdom.

5. Vocation: A vocation of nuns.
Capturing the calling and sense of purpose driving this dedicated community, the term reflects their shared devotion in answering a higher calling.

6. Grace: A grace of nuns.
This expression acknowledges the elegance and divine grace behind their actions and behaviors, illustrating their shared embodiment of the divine within their collective context.

Collective nouns are creative phrases that aim to encapsulate and celebrate the unity, strength, and purpose found within gatherings of nuns.

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