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Unlocking the Power of Language: Exploring Unique Ostentation Collective Nouns You Need to Know

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Ostentation, often associated with excessive display or showiness, can also be used to inspire and describe collective nouns. These collective nouns are unique in encapsulating a group of individuals that are ostentatious or known for making grand impressions. Here are some striking examples of collective nouns with the essence of ostentation:

1. A Swarm of Peacocks: This collective noun aptly captures the dazzle and extravagance of a group of peacocks, showcasing their ostentatious displays of vibrant, iridescent plumage as they parade flamboyantly together.

2. A Splash of Socialites: Depicting the charming and eye-catching world of high society, this collective noun refers to a congregation of glamorous and ostentatious people, often found at lavish events, shimmering with style and elegance.

3. A Glimmer of Fireflies: Embodying the allure and sparkle of night, this collective noun represents a congregation of fireflies lighting up in a synchronized chorus, creating an enchanting display of nature's own ostentation.

4. A Shimmer of Butterflies: Like delicate floating jewels, a shimmer describes a group of butterflies, reflecting their radiant colors as they flit and flutter while captivating observers with their ostentatious and graceful dance.

5. A Blitz of Paparazzi: Rising from the glitz and glamour of the media world, this collective noun symbolizes a swarm of zealous photographers, constantly striving to capture headlines and create an aura of ostentation around celebrities in the public eye.

6. A Bedazzlement of Gemstones: Celebrating the world of precious minerals, this collective noun portrays a group of dazzling gemstones, each radiating its unique brilliance together, crafting an ambiance filled with ostentation and luxury.

7. A Strut of Fashion Models: Highlighting the world of catwalks and fashion runways, a strut depicts a troupe of stylish models showcasing avant-garde designs with lavish flair, embodying the spirit of ostentation found within the fashion industry.

In conclusion, collective nouns with the word ostentation evoke vivid imagery summoning groups of individuals recognized for their extravagant or flashy displays, whether in the animal kingdom, high society events, natural phenomena, or industries associated with luxury and spectacle.

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