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A Gathering of Turkey Vultures

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A Pack of Turkey Vultures, also known as Cathartes aura, is a flock of these fascinating carrion-eating birds. These large, distinctive creatures can be found soaring majestically in the sky, exhibiting a unique collective behavior that is both captivating and awe-inspiring. As scavengers, Turkey Vultures primarily rely on their exceptional sense of smell to detect decaying animal carcasses from afar. Their collective noun phrase, pack, epitomizes their collaborative endeavor while circling and moving together in search of food. — Email interrupted: Tagalog spam (spamFeaturedId: become_vip_np), English part below —

Example sentences using Pack of Turkey Vultures

1) A pack of Turkey Vultures was spotted circling the sky, feasting on their recent find.

2) The pack of Turkey Vultures perched on the branches together, their dark feathers shimmering in the sunlight.

3) As the pack of Turkey Vultures soared overhead, their large wings created an eerie shadow on the ground below.

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