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A Sord of Swans and Other Fascinating Collective Noun Examples

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A sord is a fascinating example of a collective noun. It is typically used to refer to a specific group of swordfish swimming together, creating a captivating sight for spectators. When numerous swordfish gather in close proximity, they form a dynamic collective known as a "sord." Swimming in synchronized patterns, the sord exhibits impressive coordination as they roam the vast ocean. It is common to spot this captivating ensemble in warmer oceanic regions, such as the Atlantic or Indo-Pacific, where swordfish are abundant. The formation of a sord denotes a remarkable manifestation of unity among these magnificent sea creatures, underscoring their ability to collaborate and coexist harmoniously. A sord of swordfish exudes strength, grace, and an awe-inspiring beauty, leaving observers mesmerized by the sheer power and elegance of nature at its finest.

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