A Yoke of donkeys, also known as a team of Donkeys or a drove of donkeys, refers to a specific collective noun phrase used to describe a group of donkeys harnessed together. Just like the olden days when a yoke was used to connect two animals side by side, the term yoke represents the wooden crosspiece that holds the donkeys together, enabling them to work as a united team. This phrase evokes a traditional and rural image, often associated with agrarian contexts or historical scenes. A yoke of donkeys takes on a sense of purpose and cooperation, as these remarkable animals are drafted into a common goal or task, such as plowing fields, transporting goods, or carrying loads. Their collective strength and shared efforts serve as a testament to their close-knit nature and adaptability to human needs. In addition to the functional aspect, a yoke of donkeys also invites a sense of charm, gentleness, and simplicity. With their iconic long ears, compact bodies, and gentle temperament, donkeys have long symbolized patience, hard work, and humble service. Consequently, this collective noun phrase can create a sentimental and nostalgic ambiance, reminding us of traditional craftsmanship, simpler times, and the harmonious collaboration required in rural settings. Overall, a yoke of donkeys captures a dynamic fusion of practical utility, familial dynamics, and historic references. It encapsulates the relationship between humanity and donkeys, symbolizing the beauty in bridging the gap between creatures of different species by unifying efforts towards collective endeavours.
Example sentences using Yoke of Donkeys
1) A yoke of donkeys plodded along the dusty trail, their hooves creating a rhythmic symphony.
2) The farmer guided the yoke of donkeys with a gentle hand, urging them forward to carry the heavy load.
3) It was a peaceful sight, watching the yoke of donkeys grazing in the meadow, their bellies full and content.